Quick Tip: Let Elements Cover Percentage of the Screen
Did you ever wish you could make elements as wide as 75% of the user’s screen width? More concisely, actually the viewport width? Now, this is a dream come true then.
WordPress: Troubleshoot Moving Issues
If you want to move a Wordpress installation to another server you have to change a few strings here and there to make it work. In fact, I followed these exact steps to make this site work.
Quick Tip: Optimize Your print.css with Print Emulation
Make your website more print friendly in under 10 minutes with these tips! We will take a look at how to utilize the browser’s developer tools to identify printability issues.
NuMa: Normen berechnen
Eine Norm ist in der Mathematik ein Mittel, um die “Größe” verschiedener Objekte zu bemessen. Sie kennen dies wahrscheinlich bereits aus der Schule: dort haben Sie bereits die euklidische Norm verwendet, um die Länge eines Vektores zu bestimmen. In der Numerik ist die Norm ein essenzielles Werkzeug, das überall Verwendung findet.
NuMa: Kondition berechnen
Die Kondition ist ein zentraler Begriff in der Numerik. Die Kondition ist eine problembezogene und verfahrensunabhängige Größe. Sie wird also auf Funktionen angewendet. Die Kondition eines Problems beschreibt dessen Sentivität gegenüber Störung der Eingabedaten.
Communication Networks Basics
This post is aimed to summarize the lecture “Communication Networks” in the winter semester 2016/2017. As a basic lecture, it should give newcomers a fundamental understanding of how communication networks, such as the Internet work.
Operating Systems Basics
This post is aimed to summarize the lecture “Operating Systems” in the winter semester 2016/2017. As a basic lecture, it should give newcomers a fundamental understanding of how modern operating systems work. The main sources are “Modern Operatings Systems” by Andrew Tanenbaum and “Betriebssysteme”, the script complementing the lecture given by Prof. Lankes (RWTH ACS).
C Basics
Introducing C to beginners in a general sense is this post’s goal. Many other fashionable programming languages have a lot in common with C, such as they share the great deals of structure and syntax with C. Excerpting some headings from the post:
- What is C?
- Variables
- Pointers
- Operators
- Control Structures
- Arrays and Structs
- Functions
- Program Analysis
Programming Best Practices
For any given problem there are literally infinite possibilities to solve it. However, there are good solutions and terrible solutions to each problem. My objective here is to provide a few general techniques to improve any program or in a more general sense any solution. The article aims to be written in such a general manner, that the provided rules can also be applied in numerous other real-life situations completely unrelated to programming.
This post has a general nature, it is neither claiming to be complete nor to be applicable in every situation. Furthermore, it reflects my current conceptual understanding of programming and therefore is prone to errors and a perpetual work in progress. Enjoy!
NuMa: Lösen des LGS Ax = b
In diesem Artikel sollen folgende Fragen beantwortet werden:
- Welche Möglichkeiten habe ich, um ein LGS Ax = b zu lösen?
- Wann sollte ich welche Möglichkeit benutzen?
- Wie funktioniert die Cholesky-Zerlegung?
- Wie funktioniert die Gaußelimination ohne Spaltenpivotisierung?
- Warum sollte ich Spaltenpivotisierung benutzen?
- Wie funktioniert die Gaußelimination mit Spaltenpivotisierung?
- Wie funktioniert die Givens-Rotation?
- Wie funktioniert die Householder-Transformation?