Posts with the tag: Quick Tip
Quick Tip: Repair UEFI
Upon flashing a new image to my motherboard something went wrong. My UEFI boot entries were gone and thus I was not able to boot anymore. In order to fix this I manually added a boot entry again and here’s how to do it.
Pacman: Reinstall All Script
Here comes a simple solution to all kinds of annoying problems: reinstall all packages that you installed with pacman
. Repair your Arch Linux, Manjaro, Antergos and more now!
Quick Tip: Adaptive Inline Block Elements
Get divs
and other block elements to adapt to their content’s size and troubleshoot an annoying issue
Quick Tip: Save Time with box-sizing: border-box
Which web designer has not encountered this dreadful issue? The project gets grows in size and one loses track of all the paddings, margins borders, and cross-dependencies of all kinds of elements. Especially when it comes to pixel-perfect design one quickly gets into trouble.
A simple CSS statement promises relief: *{box-sizing:border-box}!
Oh, how I wished that I knew this from the very beginning.
Quick Tip: Let Elements Cover Percentage of the Screen
Did you ever wish you could make elements as wide as 75% of the user’s screen width? More concisely, actually the viewport width? Now, this is a dream come true then.
WordPress: Troubleshoot Moving Issues
If you want to move a Wordpress installation to another server you have to change a few strings here and there to make it work. In fact, I followed these exact steps to make this site work.
Quick Tip: Optimize Your print.css with Print Emulation
Make your website more print friendly in under 10 minutes with these tips! We will take a look at how to utilize the browser’s developer tools to identify printability issues.